Monday, October 25, 2010 favorite month

Grandpa & Grandma had a pumpkin picking party out of their 1st year pumpkin patch.

Just messin' around with the new camera...

I love the month of October! It starts out with General Conference which I love for many reasons. It's church in my pajamas, along with inspiring messages and usually involves being with family. You just can't beat it! Then a few days later my birthday rolls around and I get spoiled again. This year Trent surprised me with a super fancy Canon camera. I am having a good time tinkering around with it...can't wait to figure out how to use all the cool features it offers. Next comes Fall Break for the kids which means spending time enjoying the beautiful fall colors and the crisp air. Shortly after that, Teegan's birthday sneaks in while trying to finalize the Halloween costumes for the year. Teegan always has big party ideas so we try to make them come to life just in time for the last hoorah...Halloween. Wow! What a month!

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