Monday, October 25, 2010

Good Sports



I don't own a minivan...never will...but I admit to being a soccer mom. I think Trent and I get more excited for the games than the kids do. We love watching them work hard, be persistant and achieve their goals. This year Jaysie upped her game and played competitive soccer. She truly enjoys her team, coaches and being on the field running her guts out. She is meek and mild off the field, but intense and driven on the field. Teegan played a strong game of soccer this season too. He wasn't on a competitive team but in his mind he was. Coach Karryn had to give him a special "defender" position at times to give the other kids a chance to touch the ball. He is small and fast with no fear. He was really fun to watch! No matter what they choose in life, I hope they tackle it with the same intensity and drive that they have on the soccer field.

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