Temple Square lights with the Humphreys crew
Kate can't even look at Santa without crying!
Still little enough to sit on Santa's lap
With the look on Santa's face, Teegan must be on his good list!
Isaac's model shot...
Christmas this year was interesting...everyone in our little family, except Trent, got the flu. Luckily I had made it my goal to have the shopping done ahead of time. I convinced Marissa, Mikah and my cousin McKenna to come Black Friday shopping with me. They braved the midnight Walmart crowd to throw some elbows to get a basketball hoop for Teegan. We weren't feeling too bad so we thought we'd attempt Target. When we got there at 2am the line already wrapped around the building and it was bitter cold outside. So we took a 2 hr nap and woke up just in time for the doors to open. As we approached the crowd, we came up with a plan to just try and blend into the line and sneak our way in. Marissa was the brave one who took the plunge and we were able to slip right in. There were a few cuss words thrown our way but we did it! It was crazy, but fun! One day the kids will realize what we go through to be Santa's little helpers.
Christmas day soon approached and it was great to visit with Noelle while she was serving the Lord in the Baltics. She sang to us in Russian. It was fun to hear from her. We enjoyed our Christmas breakfast with the Humphreys followed by being spoiled with gifts. We then headed up to the cabin for some after Christmas R&R. Becca and Isaac were there and it was fun to see little Porter all grown up. That's what Christmas is all about...enjoying time with family and making good memories.
Merry Christmas! Thank you for the gift you sent us! We really appreciate you not donating it!
that is how I remember Brooks, maybe we will all have a bit more color during this family gathering.
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