Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Fabulous Fours....

Happy Birthday to my fabulous four year old!! I've been told that the fourth year is called the "Fabulous Fours" because that terrible two to three stage finally subsides and they just become fabulous little people. We'll have to wait and see......

Teegan (aka McSweegan) had quite an exciting birthday last Tuesday. It started out with a quick trip to the grocery store to buy a dozen donuts to make up for my failed attempt at making carmel corn. The trip was worth it though because the store manager ended up singing Happy Birthday over the intercom so everyone in the store got to hear that it was Teegan's birthday. He thought he was pretty special from then on. Off he went to preschool to share his treats and get the coveted birthday crown. I picked him and his buddies up to go have some lunch at McDonalds and then back to the house for presents, dessert and silly string fights. This was Teegan's first official "friend" party and he was soaking up all the attention. It was so funny to watch him open his presents and interact with his friends. He has quite the personality and makes me laugh constantly! Once the friends left it was time to get ready for the family to come over for more celebrating. He actually quit taking phone calls from family because "he had heard people tell him Happy Birthday too much," he said. Atleast he can't say that he's not loved by anyone, right?
I love my little Teegan and enjoy the excitement he brings into our home each day. He is always the first one to tell me thank you for making a yummy dinner or thanks for washing his favorite shirt. Every night he asks me what we are doing tomorrow and then quickly replies , "Oh, I the house!" He actually seems excited about it at the time...that quickly changes by morning. Underneath it all, he is quite a loving child and melts my heart each time I look into his big brown eyes. I love you, Teegan! Love, MOM


April said...

Happy Birthday to Teegan! I can't believe he's so big!

becca said...

mom and i spent the morning talking about what a cute little boy he is...I could just squeeze his little bum right now.